Expert Worker’s Compensation Lawyer in El Cajon WARNS: Don’t Risk Losing Your Benefit Because of This

Risks - Workers Compensation Lawyer El CajonMany workers don’t realize that an insurance company will go through any lengths to weed out the injured workers who are abusing their condition. That is their job, after all. An insurance agency has a number of methods to determine whether the worker’s injury is as serious as they are describing it and if they find a legitimate proof that the worker is lying about their condition, they will cut off the benefits. Since honest workers are often in the crosshairs of thorough insurance agents, you should be familiar with the methods an insurance agency might use in order to undermine your filed claims. In this case be sure to seek a professional worker’s compensation lawyer in El Cajon to obtain legal help.

Employing a Private Eye

Sometimes an insurance company employs a private eye to monitor an injured worker while they are under doctor’s restrictions. If they find any evidence of allegedly injured workers doing more than they claim they are able to or if they violate the doctor’s restrictions in any way, the workers will lose all benefits. Whether you are at home, at work or even out partying, never forget to follow your doctor’s orders.

Not Accepting Light Duty Assignments

If an employer offers a light duty assignment to an injured worker, he or she must accept this job as long as it doesn’t contradict the doctor’s restrictions. If the job the employer offers the worker are in line with the work restrictions provided by the doctor and the injured worker does not go back to work, the employee loses the rights to compensation.

Independent Medical Exam

An injured worker may be subjected by the insurance company to an Independent Medical Examination. The doctor in charge of these examinations is a professional selected by the insurance company to go through the injured worker’s reports, examine him or her and submit any findings to the insurance agency. This includes the injured worker’s abilities and the course of treatment. If the worker fails to show up for the exam, the insurance company can deny the benefits for uncooperative behavior. If the doctor finds that the worker is able to work, the insurance company can use this to cut off the benefits to the injured worker. In this case you should immediately contact a professional workers compensation lawyer in El Cajon!

Functional Capacity Exam

Another examination injured workers are often subjected to is the Functional Capacity Exam. This is a medical exam through which the doctor asks the injured worker to lift a certain amount of weight or perform a series of movements, so that the examiner can measure the physical abilities and the strength of the worker. The worker must be fully cooperative during this exam. If the examiner claims that the worker was not cooperating or was faking the pain, the insurance company can use this as an excuse to cut the benefits.

Skipped Medical Treatments and Checkups

If you skip a lot of medical treatments or checkups you were obligated to attend and after a while return to visit your doctor, the doctor has to be able to determine whether the current symptoms are related to your workplace injury. If the doctor can’t determine this because you haven’t been showing up to your appointments regularly, you may lose the compensation rights and benefits may not be able to cover the treatments your doctor is recommending.

Looking for Professional El Cajon Workplace Injury Lawyer?

Accident and Work Injury Law Group is always available if you are considering a claim for a job-related injury. Our specialized work injury attorneys have years of experience in similar cases and will help you through the court process. We serve El Cajon, Chula Vista and San Diego. Contact us for a free consultation with no further obligations to our group.

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