Are neck and back injuries covered

Are neck and back injuries covered under worker’s compensation?

Back and neck injuries are a very commonly occurring phenomenon and they make a worker eligible for workers’ compensation benefits. Occupational Safety and Health Administration states that back injuries at work are next to hand injuries and are the most commonly occurring injuries at work. Back injuries include lower back strain, fractured vertebrate, spinal cord damage, slipped discs, pinched nerves and bulging or herniated discs.

This injury can also occur due to a fall from a height or a road accident or as a result of lifting something heavy. However, many back injuries don’t occur suddenly but they are a result of repeated routine tasks such as lifting or moving heavy loads or as a result of poor posture while sitting. No matter the actual cause of back injury, it may be eligible for workers’ compensation benefits.

Varieties of Back pain and Medical Care

Back pain can be of two types: Chronic and Acute. Acute pain can be quite extreme but is temporary, while chronic pain can last over months and even a lifetime. Remedies for back pain are applying hot and cold compresses and using anti-inflammatory drugs to a surgical procedure to soothe the pain. There are other remedies of back pain such as ultrasound therapy, whirlpool therapy, acupuncture, massage and chiropractic care.

Neck Pain

Neck pain is also a frequently occurring phenomena and it limits your ability to perform your job as you are unable to move your head. The cause of a neck injury is quite similar to that of a back injury. Keeping your head still for extended periods of time and sitting in the same position for the whole day and not taking rest can cause neck injuries too.

What is your Back or Neck injury worth under Workers’ Compensation?

There are a number of factors that may be considered while determining the cost of any injury. If you are offered to settle your injury by any sum of money, it is necessary to have an attorney by your side to make the process more efficient for yourself as your injury might be entitled to medical expenses to the injury suffered and lost wages. Back injuries can even cause permanent disability and paralysis.

Back and Neck Injuries Often Denied Under Workers’ Compensation

Many workers recover from a minor back or neck injury. However, many older people having a history of such injuries might be unable to make a full recovery. Back and neck injuries are difficult to diagnose and are often not included in workers’ compensation. In most cases, the insurer might claim that the particular injury is not related to the workplace. Particularly, if you had an already existing back or neck injury, it is very important that you report it and get medical attention promptly. They might also suggest that your case is not an injury but simply the aging process. If you are diagnosed with a degenerative disc disease, it is crucial to obtain a second opinion from a trusted medical practitioner. It is also recommended to have a trusted workers’ compensation attorney with you to make the process more efficient.