Involved in a Nurse Injury Claim? Seek Help from the Premier Workers Compensation Attorney El Cajon

Nurse with a Neck Pain - Workers Compensation Attorney El CajonWe get a lot of inquiries from potential clients looking for a respectable workers compensation attorney in El Cajon relating to workplace injuries suffered as a nurse. We have had the pleasure of working with nurses and various medical professionals and have helped a large number of them in our career. In this article, nurses can get an overview of injury claims and find out more about whether their injuries qualify for workplace injury compensation.

The Risks Nurses Face

Most often, nurses complain about back injuries suffered as a result of lifting and assisting immobile or heavy patients. These cases are very different from the standard calls we receive from factory workers who strain their back due to lifting heavy, inanimate objects. The biggest challenge is that nurses’ line of work is almost never considered light duty. If the injuries sustained result in a lasting physical condition, it is imperative to make sure the restrictions that come as a result of having suffered such an injury are respected, with their tasks adjusted accordingly.

Another huge challenge comes from a fact that a nurse can suffer from an injury sustained as a result of an infection. For example, some infections like Clostridium difficile or C-Diff can seriously harm your colon. However, as these infections could be contracted anywhere, fighting the insurance company to prove the infection was contracted in the line of duty can be quite challenging. This is why it is important to have an experienced and trustworthy workplace injury attorney by your side in claims like this.

How Can We Help?

Luckily for you, Accident & Work Injury Law Group excels in these particularly challenging cases. What we can do is help prove you contracted infections similar to the one mentioned from a patient, making you entitled to receive workers’ compensation benefits as well as covering the medical expenses and time off.

To build your case, we have to prove that you previously worked with patients who were suffering from infections in question or that you were exposed to them in the hospital, for example if you worked on a floor that takes care of patients with the same symptoms. While these cases often prove challenging, on the other hand, a credible testimony and lack of other possible sources of the infection may be enough for you to win the case. You can even ask a fellow nurse to give her statement corroborating your story.

Seek Advice from an Expert Workers Compensation Attorney El Cajon

Serious injuries are not reserved for heavy-duty jobs like construction workers, drivers and similar professions. In fact, nurses might even be at a greater risk due to the specific nature of their injuries that are often unforeseeable and out of their control. If you sustained an injury working as a nurse, you are as entitled to workers’ compensation as a victim in any other profession is. The most important thing is to take your time to heal completely. Leave seeking justice for your injuries to the professionals and contact Accident & Work Injury Law Group for a free initial consultation.

How to Ensure Worker Safety and Prevent Workplace Injuries

Protective Helmet - Workers Compensation Attorney El CajonInjuries are a common occurrence at almost any line of work. From injuries originating from bad posture at desk jobs, to more serious, life-threatening ones at high-risk workplaces like construction sites. They can occur due to a human error or be completely unforeseen, but there are several ways to try and prevent them from ever taking place. Raising awareness, using proper safety gear and alerting your superiors of a potential hazard are just some of the ways you can help yourself and your colleagues. In case of an accident, you should always consult a workers compensation attorney El Cajon workers trust.

Even though some accidents are beyond your control, here is what you can do to prevent workplace injuries.

Pay Close Attention to What You Are Doing

A large percent of injuries are due to worker carelessness. Some workers do not pay attention to the work environment. They assume that the workplace is completely safe without ever double-checking. If you want to avoid potentially dangerous workplace injuries, we suggest you be mindful of your surroundings so you aren’t caught off guard. It might take more time, but worker safety should be yours and the employer’s number one priority. After all, taking a shortcut can lead to serious repercussions.

Report Anything Unusual

If you notice a potential workplace hazard, you must report it to your superiors immediately. Don’t hesitate; after all it’s yours and your colleagues’ lives at stake. Workers tend to turn the other cheek and disregard these hazards as minor setbacks. Sadly, this can lead to serious accidents, resulting in terrible injuries or worse. Don’t judge the gravity of the problem yourself, let your superiors decide how and whether to act.

Deal With Stress

Stressed out workers are a serious problem in any workplace. Not being able to control your actions can lead to potentially harmful situations where your lack of judgment can take an innocent life. Worrying about problems other than work will take your mind off of the task at hand, and you might make a mistake or disregard a problem that can lead to an accident. If you are stressed out about anything, contact the HR to notify them of your situation and seek professional help. Keep your private problems away from work as they can be a huge liability.

Keep Your Workplace Clean

Not only will keeping the area where you work clean prevent potential injuries, it will also make your job a whole lot easier. A wrench just lying around on the second floor at a construction site can easily become a danger to the workers underneath. A toolbox bust open in the middle of a busy area can obstruct or trip other colleagues. Take the time to put everything you use back to where it belongs in order to avoid serious injuries.

Use Safety Gear

This might seem trivial, but we cannot stress this enough. We’ve seen countless cases where an injury could have been prevented had the workers been properly equipped. Protective gear is your first line of defense against workplace injury, and should be on you at all times. No matter how small or safe your task seems to be, never neglect putting on your safety gear. Your helmet might just save you from the falling wrench from above.

Injured at Your Workplace? Look for the Best Workers Compensation Attorney El Cajon, CA

If you experienced a workplace injury and need legal advice, contact Accident & Work Injury Law Group. If you suffered a workplace injury that was not your fault, but caused by unsafe conditions in the work environment, you might be eligible for a worker’s compensation. Call us for a free initial consultation at 1-800-300-6175.

The information you obtain in this article is not, nor is it intended to be, legal advice. You should consult an attorney for advice regarding your individual situation. We invite you to contact us and welcome your calls, letters and electronic mail. Contacting us does not create an attorney-client relationship. Please do not send any confidential information to us until such time as an attorney-client relationship has been established.