- Oil refineries face strike over union safety concerns
(Reuters) — Union negotiators on Thursday rejected the latest contract offer from oil companies and said the largest U.S. refinery strike since 1980 may spread to more plants beyond the 11 where walkouts are underway.
- Paralyzed truck driver awarded $25 million from bad faith suit
A former truck driver who was paralyzed on the job has been awarded $25 million in punitive damages and $284,000 in compensatory damages by a Pottawattamie County, Iowa, jury.
- Injured undocumented worker entitled to comp
An undocumented worker from Mexico who provided false identification when he was hired by his employer should receive workers compensation benefits for injuries he suffered on that job, the Wyoming Supreme Court ruled Wednesday.
- Tennessee opt-out workers comp efforts advance despite Oklahoma suit
Constitutional challenges to the opt-out provision in Oklahoma’s workers compensation reform law likely won’t dissuade Tennessee lawmakers from pursuing similar legislation.
- Retaliation award upheld for train conductor suspended for speeding
A federal appeals court on Wednesday upheld a 2014 Department of Labor Administrative Review Board ruling against Norfolk Southern Railway Co. for retaliating against an injured worker.