- Insurance may not respond in FIFA World Cup corruption scandal
FIFA has $900 million in event postponement/relocation insurance for the 2018 World Cup games in Russia, but the coverage may not respond if the games are moved as a result of the international soccer organization’s recent corruption scandal.
- Bill would clean up Medicare-related workers comp claims process
Legislation introduced Thursday aims to improve the administration of Medicare in cases involving workers compensation settlements and provide an avenue to appeal determinations by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services.
- Signs point to PartnerRe favoring Axis for merger
Indications are that an upcoming shareholder vote will favor the proposed merger between Axis Capital Holdings Ltd. and PartnerRe Ltd., according to an analyst note on the deal Friday.
- As health reform case looms in Supreme Court, GOP split on response
(Reuters) — Republicans face a potential political backlash from voters if the U.S.
- Longtime European risk management group head stepping down
The Federation of European Risk Management Associations’ executive director, Florence Bindelle, will leave the European risk management group in October, FERMA said Friday.
- One-eyed oil rig worker wins disability ruling
A federal judge has ordered an oil drilling company to pay $245,600 to an Alaskan oil rig worker who is blind in one eye for refusing to hire him, following an eight-day trial, the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission said Thursday.
- Firm to pay $190 million to settle accounting fraud case
(Reuters) — Computer Sciences Corp. agreed to pay $190 million to settle civil accounting fraud charges alleging the company manipulated its financial results to hide problems with one of its high-profile contracts.
- Pennsylvania prepares to set up state health exchange
The Pennsylvania Department of Insurance has filed an application to set up a state health insurance exchange if the U.S. Supreme Court strikes down IRS rules that authorize federal premium subsidies to lower-income uninsured individuals.
- Insurance rates fall for large accounts
Commercial property/casualty insurance rates were flat on average in May but large account policyholders saw decreases, MarketScout reported Friday.