- Firefighter safety rules draft to accommodate volunteers
A group drafting an emergency responder preparedness regulation for potential consideration by the U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration will examine ways to alleviate compliance pressures for small volunteer organizations.
- Heavy 2015 M&A activity drove legal malpractice claims increase
Legal malpractice claims increased in both frequency and severity last year, according to a survey issued by specialty broker Ames & Gough.
- 5 things you need to know about employee travel to Europe
The Bastille Day attack in Nice, France, in which at least 84 were killed, highlights the perils of sending employees abroad.
- Worker denied comp for depression arising years after injury settlement
An injured worker who entered into a settlement agreement with her employer cannot pursue an additional claim for consequential depression and anxiety, the Minnesota Supreme Court has ruled.
- Wells Fargo beats appeal over voided mortgage late fees verdict
(Reuters) — A federal appeals court on Friday rejected a bid to revive a $54.
- Willis Towers Watson reveals revenue for business segments
Benefits and human capital consulting are the largest segments of Willis Towers Watson’s business, according to an SEC filing.
- Reinsurer not liable for medical malpractice award
XL Group was not obligated to defend nor indemnify a medical malpractice insurer under an errors & omissions clause, a court says.
- Risks weigh on Rio Olympics
The Rio Olympics are fraught with risks that need to be insured.
- More voters with Hillary on health care
Voters, by a substantial margin, say of the presumptive Democratic and Republican party presidential candidates, Hillary Clinton best represents their views on health care, according to a survey released Friday.