- Roofing company fined $645,000 for fall hazards
- Florida workers comp reform bill progresses
- Volks safety rule overturned
A controversial OSHA rule has been overturned after President Donald Trump signed a disapproval resolution.
- Grocery chain tackles psychosocial issues in comp claims
A recent report said that psychosocial issues rank as the No. 1 barrier to successful workers comp claim outcomes.
- Medical care manager launches prosthetics review program
The program provides insights from a board-certified prosthetist, who will act as a resource for workers comp claims adjusters.
- More states line up to adopt opioid limits
Delaware has just joined the ranks of other states that have posed limits on first-time opioid prescriptions, and Ohio is on its way to following suit.
- Pennsylvania cuts workers comp rate
- New Mexico governor signs workers comp bill
- Express Scripts reports lower workers comp prescription drug costs
The PBM said prescription drug spending for workers comp payers fell 7.6% in 2016, which included a decline in opioid prescribing.