- Manufacturer blames OSHA fine for layoffs
A New Jersey aluminum manufacturer said more than $2 million in U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration safety violation fines forced it to lay off 13% of its staff, according to a press statement issued Tuesday.
- Trump: Opioid crisis is a national emergency
President Donald Trump has instructed his administration to “use all appropriate emergency and other authorities to respond to the crisis caused by the opioid epidemic,” according to a statement posted on the White House’s media site Thursday.
- Row, row, row your fraud, gently down to court
A 30-year-old psychiatric facility worker in New York falsified documents for extra time off and additional workers compensation cash to go on a kayaking trip in the Caribbean, among other excursions, the New York State Inspector General’s office announced Monday.
- Employer must face lawsuit after rescinding job offer over positive drug test
A federal judge on Tuesday ruled that a woman who uses marijuana for medicinal purposes in compliance with Connecticut’s marijuana law can sue an employer who rescinded a job offer after a positive pre-employment drug test.
- Workers comp premium increase authorized in California
California’s Workers’ Compensation Insurance Rating Bureau said Tuesday its governing committee voted to authorize an increased advisory pure premium rate filing, effective Jan. 1, 2018, to the California Insurance Commissioner.