- Judge affirms safety citation against defense contractor
An administrative law judge of the Occupational Safety and Health Review Commission upheld a serious citation issued against a defense contractor and a $4,125 penalty proposed by the U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration.
- Workers comp renewal rates flat, slightly lower
- Day laborers included in California workers comp bill
Day laborers in California hired on a one-time basis would be covered by the state’s workers compensation laws under amendments to a year-old bill intended to extend coverage to more workers.
- Judge upholds citations against builder in worker’s fall into pit
An administrative law judge of the Occupational Safety and Health Review Commission has affirmed citations against an Indiana construction company after an employee was injured after falling through an unguarded hole and assessed $6,500 in total penalties.
- Former NHL player suing Nashville Predators for medical benefits
A former National Hockey League player is suing his former team for medical benefits and compensation under Tennessee’s workers compensation system.
- OSHA proposes fines against contractor after rock kills worker
U.S. federal workplace safety regulators have cited and proposed penalties totaling $212,396 against a Virginia-based specialty foundation contractor after a 2,600-pound rock fatally struck an employee.
- OSHA cites production company in stuntman’s death
U.S. federal workplace safety regulators have cited and proposed a fine of $12,675 against a Virginia-based production company after a stuntman was fatally injured during the filming of the television show “The Walking Dead.”
- More safety penalties set for review
The Occupational Safety and Health Review Commission may be ready to tackle some of the toughest workplace safety issues now that it has three commissioners after years of being short-staffed.
- Largest workers compensation insurers